Connect with your Notion pages
Connect with your Notion pages

Connect with your Notion pages

April 10, 2024


Notion is a potent productivity tool that lets users create notes, databases, and wikis. Its ability to connect to databases and retrieve page content is among its most notable features. This blog post will walk you through connecting to a Notion database and accessing its page content.

Step 1: Create a Notion Database

Start by creating a Notion database. Click on the "New Database" button in the Notion sidebar to do this. After creating a database, you can add pages by selecting the "Add Page" button.

Step 2: Connect to the Notion Database

To connect to the Notion database, employ the Notion API. This API lets you programmatically access your Notion databases' data. Begin by creating a new API key. Visit the Notion API page and click on the "New API Key" button.
After obtaining the API key, use a programming language of your choice to connect to the Notion database. Notion offers libraries for various programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, and Java.

Step 3: Access the Page Content

After connecting to the Notion database, you can now access page content. The Notion API provides several endpoints for accessing your databases' data.
To access page content, use the "children" endpoint. This endpoint retrieves a database's child pages. Each child page includes the page content, such as the title, body, and any attached files.

Here's an example to access the page

const { Client } = require('@notionhq/client'); const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_API_KEY }); (async () => { const blockId = '16d8004e5f6a42a6981151c22ddada12'; const response = await notion.blocks.children.append({ block_id: blockId, children: [ { object: 'block', type: 'paragraph', paragraph: { text: [ { type: 'text', text: { content: '– Notion API Team', link: { type: 'url', url: '', }, }, }, ], }, }, ], }); console.log(response); })();