1. Who can use Docker?
Problem in Current situation
- To replicate the environment
Benefits of the containers
- Light weight
- Easy to share the environment
Basic Terms
- Images and Containers
- Daemon and Docker Desktop
2. Simple Commands
Version Commands
docker --version
Creating Our First Image
docker run -it ubuntu
check with “whoami
3. Images v/s Containers
- images are like operating system and to run that images we require container
- image behave likes a operating system. container actually runs the image
Behavior of Containers
- If we use 2 containers of the ubuntu image and make 2 different directories in both the containers then the directories not be shared by container to container
- So when we are using it on development we create our own image where we can define all the details about how our image will look like. we can upload this same image also in our AWS cloud
4. Use-case & Understanding the Commands
What do we do in Production grade systems?
- We create our own image and then deploy it to “hub.docker.com”
PORT mapping
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 [image-name]
docker build -t demo-app .